This project is a web implementation of Conway's Game of Life (with a little twist of the Genetic Algorithm utilisation).
The genetic algorithm is implemented by a library called genes.
The board has two modes: the ad hoc play or presenting test results. When playing in ad hoc mode, you have the freedom to set all game parameters:
The survive and reproduction settings are set to Conway Game of Life rules by default.
There are also settings allowing you to set the initial colony.
Because the way the initial colony is set can be a little bit tricky,
which probably will explain the whole idea much better than words!
Here is an example that will better explain the idea of setting the initial colony rather than just describing it with words.
The initial colony can be also set by providing the url with the initial colony settings - such an url for an actually set colony is visible below all other settings. You can copy it and send it to your friends to show them your colony. Also, notice the Set initial button above the board - by it, you can generate the initial setting from the current board state.
Tests are described by JSON objects at JsonHub service - currently used test definition is named test-v1.
Add test process is a non-public, manual process. Hence, users cannot calculate the tests themselves. The GLife project is intended only to display the test results that are already calculated by the instance owner.